Type of event:
Dr. Rohit Khanna (Professor and Head)
Dr. Tripti Tikku (Professor)
Dr. Sneh Lata Verma (Professor)
Dr. Kamna Srivastava (Reader)
Organized by:
Department ofOrthodontics, BBDCODS,Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow
Attended By:
UG and PG Students of the Department of Orthodontics of BBDCODS, BBDU.
REPORT:On occasion of World Orthodontic Health Day 2024, under the guidance of Dr. Rohit Khanna, (Prof and Head) Department of Orthodontics, BBDCODS, BBDU had organized three days event from 13-15th May 2024.The program included academic as well as other activities to mark the occasion. E-poster, Slogan and Logo writing, Photography, Poetry, Creative wire bending and Quiz competition were organized where undergraduate students, interns and postgraduate studentsactively participated and made it a grand success.
Dr. Rohit Khanna, also delivered a talk on Doordarshan in a program titled ‘ Sehat Apki’ for creating Orthodontic awareness among the masses. A short educational video highlighting the role of Orthodontic treatment forimprovement of self-esteem was prepared by Dept. of Orthodontics to spread Orthodontics awareness. The program alsoincluded a lecture delivered by our esteemed speaker Dr. Arvinder Singh on the topic “Dare to dreams” Connect the DOTS.The occasion was graced by the esteemed presence of our respected Dr. V. P. Sharma sir. The event was concluded by distributing the certificates to thewinners as well as participants.
Date of Event: 13th May -15th May, 2024