Name of Event: World AIDS Day
Name of the Coordinator:Dr. Anuradha P(HOD, Department of Public Health Dentistry)
Convener: Dr.Sugandha Agarwal, Reader, Department of Public Health Dentistry)
Organized By: Department of Public Health Dentistry, BBDCODS, Babu Banarsi Das University, Lucknow.
No. of Participants:54
Brief Description of Event:
Babu Banarsi das college of dental sciences (BBDCODS) Observed World AIDS day by organizing a series of events by the Department of Public Health Dentistry. The World AIDS day is observed on December 1st every year and the theme of this year is “Let Communities lead”.
BBDCODS firmly believes that the future generation has the ability to sensitize others and prevent spread of HIV/AIDS. Dr.Shweta Singh Dr.Piyush Chaudhary ,Dr.Siddharth David and Dr. Archita Agarwal were also the part of this event .
Therefore, an awareness programme andNukkad Natak by under graduates’ students was performed for the university students in BBDU campus and at the BBD green city, Semra. RANGOLI was made by our interns on AIDS day.
We called on our Faculty, Post Graduates, under graduates students and Interns to encourage our team to work together collaboratively through a One Health Approach. Everyone participated with zeal and enthusiasm.
- Team Department of Public Health dentistry, BBDCODS, BBDU
- Nukkad Natak by under graduates in the campus, BBDCODS, BBDU
- Rangoli by Interns, BBDCODS , BBDU
- Nukkad Natak by under graduates out the campus
- Team Public Health Dentistry, BBDCODS, BBDU