Organized By: Departmen tof Pediatrics & Preventive Dentistry, BBDCODS,BBDU, Lucknow
Name of Organizer:
Dr.Monika Rathore (Professor & Head) Dr. Neerja Singh (Professor)
Name of Speaker: Dr.Nitesh Tewari
No.of Participants: 87 participants
PG Studentsand Faculty of Department of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry, from BBDCODS, Lucknow.
Brief Description of Event: A one-day Lecture and demonstration was organised by Departmentof Pedodontics, on“LECTURE & DEMONSTRATION ON MANAGEMENT OF CROWN FRACTURE IN PERMANENT TEETH : TIPS & TRICKS” at conferencehall BBDCODS.Theeventwasattended by the PG students and faculty members from the Department of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry and practitioners. The lecture outlined various aspects of Trauma in primary and permanent dentition, clinical cases were discussed suggesting different types of treatment modalities for trauma in both primary & permanent dentition, importance of follow- up visits to assess the success of treatment and address any concerns were also taken into consideration by the speaker, followed by a question answer round that ended with a short tea break. Post tea break, demonstration on reattachment of tooth fragment was taken up by the speaker, this was also followed by a short question and answer round bringing an end to the lecture program. The lecture program concluded with a round of group photographs followed by lunch.