Oral Hygiene Day was celebrated on 1st August 2023 by the Department of Periodontology, BBDCODS, BBDU to commemorate the birth anniversary of Late Dr G.B Shankwalkar. Dr G.B Shankwalkar was one of the pioneer periodontists of India and the founder member of the Indian Society of Periodontology.
As part of the Oral Hygiene Day, Department of Periodontology, BBDCODS, Lucknow took this opportunity to create and spread awareness regarding the importance of having good oral hygiene of every individual in the society by organizing a series of events.
Free dental check-up and treatment camp was prearranged. Apart from the regular Oral Health awareness drive done in the department, a separate desk was set up adjacent to the registration counter where correct oral hygiene habits were demonstrated, relationship between oral health and overall well being was emphasized and free samples of dentifrices were distributed. This ensured that every patient entering the college was benefited by making them attentive of their oral hygiene.
The programme also included the slogan/jingle writing competition that witnessed active participation by the undergraduates and postgraduate students of the department. The event was judged by Dr Swati Gupta-Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics, Crown & Bridge and Dr. Priya Singh, Reader- Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology of BBDCODS.
This was followed by Quiz Competition which showed an enthusiastic participation by the Interns. Dr. Mohammad Aamir, the quiz master for the day did an outstanding job of conducting the quiz and keeping the participants and audience on their toes. Keeping up with the theme of Periodontology, the teams were named on eminent keywords of the subject; be it the instruments, scientists and textbook material. Amongst the various teams, Team Gracey emerged as the winner for the day.
Acknowledging the hard work and dedication to the subject by the students, the department felicitated Dr. Asheena, Intern who secured the highest marks in Periodontology in final year BDS. The programme culminated with the prize distribution ceremony done by our Dean Dr Puneet Ahuja, Dr Mona Sharma-Professor and Head, Department of Periodontology and Dr Sunil Verma-Professor-Dept of Periodontology.
The department is indebted to the principal, faculty members, students and sponsors who supported to make this event a grand success.