Program organised by: Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
Program in Coordination with: Safe Endo
Program Co-ordinator: Dr.Praveen Singh Samant
Program Convener: Dr.Palak Singh
Program Guest Speaker:Dr. Prashant Bhasin
Program venue: Conference Hall, BBDCODS
No. of participants: 87 participants including BBDCODS UG/PG students and faculty members
Description of the event:Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics BBDCODS in association with Safe Endo Pvt. Ltd. India, organised a full day clinical workshop on 5th March, 2025. The program consisted of Lecture and demonstration of Bioceramic materials under the Dental Operating Microscope by the speaker Dr. Prashant Bhasin, a renowned Endodontist, Prof.& Head of Department, Department of ConservativeDentistry & Endodontics, SudhaRustagi Dental College and research centre, Faridabad(Haryana).
The CDE program started with the inaugural speech by Dr.Palak Singh followed by welcome speech byDr. Praveen Singh Samant, Head of Department. Dr.Puneet Ahuja, Principal, BBDCOS, Lucknoweducated the participants about the topic and shared his valuable words. The introduction of speaker wasgiven by Dr.TanuTewari followed by the felicitation of speaker with bouquet and momento.

Felicitation of speaker, Dr. Prashant Bhasin by Dr.Puneet Ahuja (Principal) and Dr. Praveen Singh Samant (Prof & HOD)
The lecture began with amalgamation of the speaker’s experiences and clinical tips and tricks helping to ease the various procedures of complicated endodontic cases. The overwhelming response of the participants made the event spectacularly exciting and informative which was followed by clinical cases presentation to show the use of bioceramic materials in various challenging restorative and endodontic cases.

Talk on Bioceramic: A breakthrough solution for Restorative and Endodontic Challenges by speaker Dr. Prashant Bhasin with active participation of the audience consisting of UG/PG students and faculty members.
The Lecture session was concluded by proposing vote of thanks by Dr.Vishesh Gupta followed by refreshments and lunch.

Vote of Thanks by Dr.Vishesh Gupta, Professor.
A brief break for refreshments was then followed by a clinical demonstration of using Bioceramic material for perforation repair on a mandibular molar tooth. The demonstration was conducted under the dental operating microscope.

Demonstration by the guest speaker under the Dental Operating Microscope
This informative workshop was concluded with a round of group photographs and high-tea.

PG students and faculty members of Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics with the Guest speaker for the Cons and Endo day, 2025