Name of Event: 1st Year BDS Orientation Program BDS Batch 2024-29
Date (s): 25th October, 2024
Type of Event: Academic
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Puneet Ahuja (Principal BBDCODS)
Convener: Dr. Priya Singh (Reader, Dept. of Oral Medicine & Radiology)
Organized By: Admission Committee, Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences
Collaborating Institution/ Organization, if any: —
No. of Participants: Students: 34
Faculty: 11
Brief Description of Event: The academic session of 1st year BDS students (2024 Batch) in BBD college of Dental Sciences, Lucknow, commenced on 16th October 2024 and their orientation was conducted on 25th October 2024. The New BDS students were welcomed by the Principal, Dr. Puneet Ahuja and HODs and the admission in-charge & Academic Coordinator of the BDS 1st year Dr. Priya Singh.
The Orientation Program was conducted on 25th October 2024 in the conference hall of BBD College of Dental Sciences from 2:30 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. The Orientation Program began with Dr. Puneet Ahuja, Principal BBDCODS welcoming all B.D.S students to the BBD family and congratulating them for choosing BBDCODS as their preferred institute for professional studies.

All Heads of the Departments of Basic Sciences were introduced by the Principal to the students. The respective HODs also welcomed the students and gave a brief PPT presentation introducing their departments, course curriculum, syllabus & examination pattern. All the HODs motivated students to be disciplined, regular in classes and follow the curriculum as per the DCI regulations.

The students also introduced themselves individually and elaborated on their interest in various extra-curricular activities.

Introduction by under-graduate students
This was followed by a PowerPoint presentation by the Principal in which the students were briefed about the academic guidelines, curriculum and rules and regulations of Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences, Babu Banarasi Das University.

Orientation presentation by Principal, BBDCODS
The programme ended with the message of hard work, dedication and professional and personal discipline.